Ndefinition of equality and diversity pdf

Equality and diversity health sciences, the university. The college will ensure that in the conduct of all its activities. Pdf defining and dimensionalising diversity evidence from. Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are not treated differently or less favourably, on the basis of their specific protected characteristic, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. Meaning of diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination. I have had an interesting few months delivering equality, diversity and inclusion training to a variety of people in organisations. We want to be recognised as a university that acts with respect and integrity and to create an environment where everyone involved feels proud, confident, challenged and supported. Equality, diversity and inclusion committee is responsible for supporting the delivery of a living message of equality opportunity across the company. It is academy policy that individuals are selected, taught, trained, assessed, appraised, promoted.

Equality and diversity in language and image the open university. Diversity recognises that though people have things in common with each other, they are also different and unique in many ways. Staffordshire university strives to be equal opportunist for everyone. Equality and diversity policy from newcastle college, all the clear, easy to understand information you require. The corporation is responsible for approving the equality and diversity policy and will be appraised by the equality and diversity steering group as to its implementation. Developing diversity competence focused on the development of that equality and diversity awareness, knowledge and skill within students and. Equality is backed by legislation equality act 2010 which is designed to address unfair discrimination, harassment, and victimisation, to advance equality of opportunity, and to foster good relations. Plenty of literature exists that looks in detail at meanings and different contexts of equality and diversity but for the purposes of the equal at work project, our approach is outlined below. Below is an overview of your legal rights or what protection the university offer. Policies alone are not enough to build an inclusive workplace, and inclusion shouldnt be a boxticking exercise. The equality act 2010 prohibits all employers, service providers and providers of education, from discriminating against, harassing or victimising individuals with protected characteristics unlawful discrimination would be things like. We have also developed an equality and diversity action plan pdf 2mb which sets out our actions to meet our equality objectives.

Sexual orientation and diversity management in the uk private sector. The legislation on age equality aims to bring about long term cultural changes and challenge assumptions and stereotyping on the grounds of age. What is the abbreviation for equality and diversity. The department of health sciences is committed to the development and promotion of a culture of equality and diversity, dignity, courtesy and respect. Equality and diversity and clear processes in place for staff who may feel they are being discriminated or harassed. Recognise and apply antidiscriminatory and antioppressive principles in practice. Civil and political rights include freedom to worship, freedom of thought and expression, to vote, to take part in political life such as voting, to freely associate and to have access to information. An equal society recognises the diverse needs, situations and goals of. It looks at some of the barriers that can prevent equality from being realised, such as prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination, victimisation and harassment. Equality enables us to create a fairer society where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential. Equality is not about treating everyone in the same way, but it recognises that individuals needs are sometimes best met in different ways. Equality and diversity equality and diversity is a term used in the united kingdom to define and champion equality, diversity and human rights as defining values of society. Equality monitoring is critical for the successful implementation of an institutions equality and diversity policy. The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate the business case for equality and diversity in small and mediumsize enterprises.

It also has a very specific definition of discrimination and. Improving equality and diversity in your organisation. Equality and diversity health sciences, the university of york. Its introduction coincides with the implementation of the equality act 2010 and builds on its principle of integrating. Diversity is about respecting, understanding and valuing peoples differences and making sure everyone is treated in an appropriate way. Equality is about ensuring everybody has an equal opportunity, and is not treated. Generally, a belief should affect your life choices or the way you live for it to be included in the definition. Understanding legal definitions of discrimination and. The department recognises the importance of supporting all staff and students, including the provision of relevant support relating to the protected characteristics.

Managing equality and diversity theory and practice savita kumra and simonetta manfredi lucy vickers. Monitoring is a way of checking how well policies, procedures and practices are working, it can, therefore, be linked to policy development. The diversity and inclusion strategy sets out our ambitions for equality and diversity between 2018 and 2025, both in relation to staff and in providing services to the public. Diversity and inclusion policy amazon web services. Getting it right sends an important message about our awareness of equality issues, our respect for individual differences and preferences and our true commitment to an inclusive society. Eric ej482662 diversity without equality oppression. Understanding equality equality and human rights commission. Low maturity of the diversity concept in country debates. Article pdf available in equality, diversity and inclusion. About equality and diversity we define equality, diversity and inclusion as follows.

Equality and diversity report tyne metropolitan college. Pdf the purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate the business case for equality and diversity in small and mediumsize enterprises find, read. A brief overview of christianity christianity is the most popular religion in the world with over 2,000 million adherents. Equality and diversity are terms with which we are all familiar, if only in terms of. Diversity is based on the concept of recognition of differences. Without monitoring, the adoption of any equality policy remains just words. The equality act sets out your responsibilities as an employer. This is a single equality strategy to ensure that equality and diversity are guiding principles in our pursuit of academic excellence.

Our equality plan was developed with the support of students and staff from all areas of the university, representing the crosssection of students and staff from various grades and career pathways for each of the diversity groups. The international evidence is the first product from a programme of joint work being developed by the national centre for partnership and performance and the equality authority to explore this business case for equality and diversity. A guide for third sector ceos this guide for chief executives on improving diversity is both timely and genuinely needed in order to mainstream diversity action within third sector organisations. Here at newcastle college we are perfectly placed to help you succeed and achieve your full potential. Meaning of diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination essay sample. Staff cpd supporting the promotion of equality and diversity is good. Monitor is committed to promoting equality and diversity and promoting a culture that actively values difference and recognises that people from different backgrounds and experiences can bring valuable insights to the workplace and enhance the way we work.

The coalition government has brought the new equality act into force in 2010. Diversity and inclusion is a sizeable challenge for any organisation, especially those that have previously been less diverse and demonstrably exclusive. Glossary of terms equality and human rights commission. Many of the participants who have turned up at the training have a different perception of what each word means. Equality evenly distributed access to resources and opportunity necessary for a safe and healthy life. Further information and guidance about diversity and equality is available below and on the diversity website. Diversity in diction equality in action a guide to the. Definition of equality and diversity in the definitions. Equality of opportunity is essential to everything we do. Equity is the guarantee of fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all students, faculty, and staff, while at the same time striving. Reallife case studies are incorporated extensively throughout the text, underpinned by a strong academic foundation and linked by signposts across chapters enabling students to understand both the theory and practice of the subject. It is also the belief that no one should have poorer life chances because of the way they were born, where they come from, what they believe, or whether they have a disability. Equality is about ensuring everybody has an equal opportunity, and is not treated differently or discriminated against because of their characteristics. Explain the difference between equality, diversity.

Pdf prospects and challenges of workplace diversity in. We often see the 3 words equality, diversity and inclusion banded about rather like throwaway phrases. Civil and political rights the rights of individuals to liberty and equality. Explain the difference between equality, diversity and inclusion diversity means respect for and appreciation of differences in ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, education, and religion. Diversity in diction equality in action a guide to the appropriate use of language 2. The use of language which creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment constitutes harassment and unlawful. Diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination flashcards. Diversity equality inclusion discrimination diversity. Equality is backed by legislation equality act 2010 which is designed to address unfair discrimination, harassment, and. The main aim of this case study is to explore the concept of equality and diversity in contemporary society, this research will concentrate on the impact of poverty upon the educational, emotional and social experiences of a child, in this case a young boy attending a mainstream school. Definition and diversity and equality human resources today. Our equality reports provide information on staff and student diversity and our.

Promoting equality should remove discrimination in all. We will promote diversity in our student and staff community. Multicultural education is teaching and learning about the. The equality and diversity policy affects all areas of college policy practice.

At its most basic level, it is about ensuring that no one feels left out because of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, or other factors such as. Diversity and inclusion policy purpose and scope the purpose of this policy is to ensure that equality, diversity and inclusion are effectively incorporated into decision making and the management of business activities, and therefore will enable guinness to achieve its strategic objectives for diversity and inclusion. As part of the companys respect, equality and diversity red policy, a document, understanding different cultures, was issued free to all on site. Treating everyone fairly to nurture talent, imbuing the corporate culture with true inclusiveness and equality while bringing new services to an increasingly discerning audience is complex. Further information about equality and diversity at the open university is available on our website at. Equality and diversity in learning and teaching in higher. Advance human rights and promote social justice and economic wellbeing. Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. There is no one universal definition for equality and diversity, yet the two terms are used very frequently without the meaning being fully considered. What are equality and diversity, and how can we promote them.

Whats the difference between equality and diversity. Inclusion, diversity and equality inclusive employers. Pdf equality, diversity and corporate responsibility. The walk is just one example of how we are encouraging our employees to bring their authentic self to work and supporting them with employee resource groups, says molly ford, the director of salesforces office of equality. Specically, how business owners or managers manage. The purpose of the group is to monitor the effectiveness of our policies, inform policy and disseminate good practice across the organisation. Welcome to one of the largest and most successful colleges in the uk. Many of the participants who have turned up at the training have a different perception. Pdf the corporate diversity statement is a new tool increasingly. Nov 25, 2016 what are equality and diversity, and how can we promote them. Equality, diversity and inclusion handbook calico group. Information and translations of equality and diversity in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The act extends the definition of gender reassignment to. Ulrs need to consider equality and diversity issues in their broadest definition if we are to overcome all the.

We define equality, diversity and inclusion as follows. Workplace diversity wpd is a holistic concept that denotes the differences that exist between people working within an organisation. It promotes equality of opportunity for all, giving every individual the chance to achieve their potential, free from prejudice and discrimination. Diversity is about taking account of the differences between people and groups of people, and placing a positive value on those differences.